As it was with Abraham, who by faith looked for a city whose builder and maker was God, so too the Central Baptist Church has a faith challenge of revitalizing our current structure and Central campus to the Glory of God. As our Hill District Community has seen some wonderful recent developments with the new Carnegie Library, current construction of the new YMCA, and the new development of the Shop N Save grocery store, we aim to create an architectural statement that will be an additional enhancement to our historic community.
We are currently 20 percent into our Capital Campaign and anticipate its completion over the next 24 months, July 2013. Work should begin in the year 2013 on our external renovations.
You can help us! Any sponsorship, gift, or in-kind service would be greatly appreciated by the Central family. You may purchase a brick, paver, walk of faith square (sidewalk square), window or cross with your name or a deceased member’s name inscribed. For further details, a brochure can be mailed to you. Please click here and give us your contact information or request the brochure and give us your mailing or email address.
Above all else, we sincerely appreciate your prayers.